Israel’s Demographic Future

The resolution of the Palestinian issue is dependent upon very significant Jewish demographic growth in Israel. There would have to be a ten million growth in Israel’s Jewish population considering that most potential immigrants have lower fertility rates than Muslims in Israel and Judea/Samaria. Israel would subsequently redeem and enfranchise the entire Judea and SamariaContinue reading “Israel’s Demographic Future”

How Quickly Will Median Jews Emigrate to Israel?

How fast will Median Jews immigrate to Israel? Once the gates are opened up will African Median Jews from Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania as well as Middle Eastern Median Jews of Iran and Iraq immigrate to Israel as fast as they can irrespective of conditions on arrival in Israel. There are 4 million Median JewsContinue reading “How Quickly Will Median Jews Emigrate to Israel?”

Israel’s Challenge of Mass Immigration

There are tens of millions of Median Jews in the Middle East and beyond. Israel will face an unprecedented challenge in public planning in tripling or quadrupling its population through Median Jewish mass Aliyah (immigration). Israel will not only vastly expand its existing cities but will no doubt build entirely new cities, towns and villagesContinue reading “Israel’s Challenge of Mass Immigration”

Demographic Implications of Median Jewish Fertility Rates

Median Jewish mass Aliyah (immigration) to Israel in the tens of millions will enable Israel to redeem and enfranchise the entire Judea and Samaria. The question then is at what volume of Median Jewish Aliyah will Israel realistically be able to apply sovereignty to the entire Judea and Samaria? It needs to be emphasized thatContinue reading “Demographic Implications of Median Jewish Fertility Rates”

Israel’s Demographic Question

With the annexation of 4 million Median Jews (Alawites and Druze) in Syria and Lebanon after a joint IDF-SDF war against the forces of Khomeinism and Ba’athism will Israel narrowly be able to demographically afford to redeem and enfranchise Judea and Samaria where 2 million Palestinians live. In addition, there are 1 million Median JewsContinue reading “Israel’s Demographic Question”

What about Genetics?

The rediscovery of Median Judaism and Median Jewry is a watershed event in Jewish history. However, members of denominations of core Median Judaism are primarily descended from ancient converts to Median Judaism and not from Israelites although they surely have some Israelite ancestry as well. But does genetics matter and does it still count asContinue reading “What about Genetics?”